The Four Steps to Solve World Water Worries

Sam Jones
3 Oct 2021
Solving world water crisis

By 2050 we will have 10 billion people on the planet.

Already nearly 4 billion people do not have enough water for at least one month each year.

Water is a finite resource.

Climate change, rising demand from agriculture and industry, and a growing population are all increasing the strain on our supplies. The water cycle has been heavily disrupted by human activity leading to pollution, desertification and a myriad of problems for people and planet.

Repairing the damage caused and solving future supply needs to be a top priority.

Access to safe drinking water has a positive impact on everything from life expectancy to wellbeing, from the natural environment to agricultural yields. Families with access to clean, reliable drinking water are able to practice better hygiene, their children are more likely to go to school, their food is more reliable and healthier.

Access to water is also vital for industry including agriculture and manufacturing. Managing supplies of water to ensure continued productivity and commerce alongside human need is pivotal to long term water solutions.

So what do we need to do to protect our future water supplies?

1. Become Water Aware

For large parts of the world water is still seen as an infinite resource. Many individuals and organisations do not recognise the impact of water on daily life and the role they can play in improving the water cycle.

We need a universal approach to education to improve public awareness and business and government practices to teach people about the impact of water shortage, how to save water more effectively and how we can support water groups that help people obtain clean water worldwide.

2. Value Water

Water is the prerequisite of all life and finite. When we learn to value water we will be able to prevent waste, prepare for weather extremes and reduce water pollution. By valuing water we will encourage governments and the private sector to invest into water infrastructure and new technologies. We will manage the water more effectively and strengthen the water supply worldwide. 

3. Share Water

Water competition creates conflicts of all kinds including violent local and international conflicts. With populations increasing water competition is likely to intensify. At the same time One in every four people on the planet still do not have access to clean water at home and half of the world’s population does not have access to clean toilets.

We need to create access to shared and reliable water systems for all the world’s population. At the same time we need to help governments work together to share water resources across watersheds and help all countries achieve water independence.

4. Invest in Technology

Technology will be at the heart of international water solutions. As public awareness rises and we begin to place more value on water there will be increased pressure to provide clean and safe drinking water for everyone.

Innovative solutions are going to be necessary to help cover the shortfalls of watersheds, groundwater reserves and changing climates.

The largest supply of water in the world is the humidity in our air. Our atmospheric water generators are able to produce millions of litres of water a day from the air supply in the air. A single system can provide clean drinking water for tens of thousands of people per day.

To solve world water problems, we need a system that utilises water as effectively as possible throughout every aspect of our lives. By understanding the importance of water, managing our use of and waste of water more effectively, we can ensure governments and technology work together to provide clean, reliable drinking water to the world.

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